I can't believe I told Jaci that secret...oh no 😳💙 After Jaci Plays created “TRADING ONLY *LEGENDARY GOLDEN GOLDFISH*...NEON BAT DRAGON DREAM PET MEGA MISSION! Adopt Me Roblox”, and Jeffo - Roblox uploaded “WE *Actually* SURPRISED EACH OTHER With Our DREAM PETS!? Opposites TRADING CHALLENGE Adopt Me Roblox”, I decide to sneak into a rich-only Adopt Me VIP server to see if ttkevin has any more clues for me to find my missing shadow dragon. Instead I find Jaci and tell her to do an egg opening extravaganza with me, including safari eggs, Christmas eggs, farm eggs, and the rarest eggs in the game! I have 100 royal eggs that I need to hatch and unbox in time to win a limited edition neon frost dragon! This seems like a Tiktok hack where I have to hatch every legendary to win a special prize, so I invite my crush Jaci and dare her to do the 100 royal egg unboxing challenge with me. My gf Jaci things that this is a couples prank, but I give her the eggs and immediately hatch a unicorn. My girl friend hatches a dragon and we begin an intense egg opening extreme fail challenge to see who can win the legendary super rare mega neon frost dragon. I want to trade Jaci plays a mega neon giraffe for her mega neon bat dragon, but she declines so I give her a free fly potion and free ride potion instead. The winner of the challenge has to be a tt scammer hacker for 24 hours straight. Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy vlog videos in Roblox adopt me in 2021! Watch my friend’s awesome videos: MeganPlays Roblox - First To Hatch A Legendary Wins 50,000 Robux! Roblox Adopt Me https://youtu.be/JEDDbPepzuQ Jaci Plays - TRADING ONLY *LEGENDARY GOLDEN GOLDFISH*...NEON BAT DRAGON DREAM PET MEGA MISSION! Adopt Me Roblox https://youtu.be/wZn__NYfPXM iamSanna - We Were *DARED* To Go To This HAUNTED HOUSE To Prove We Were BRAVE! (Roblox) https://youtu.be/XNiE9t0blKY Lankybox - LankyBox's BEST FRIEND BECOMES A ZOMBIE in ADOPT ME?! (SECRET TRADING METHOD REVEALED!) https://youtu.be/6Kez6QWI-Fw ▶JEFFO Trading Server Link - https://www.roblox.com/games/920587237/Adopt-Me?privateServerLinkCode=j_yIKnQau-Ejp7Ji-3xGmohIAdCzEwJU ▶JEFFO ROBLOX GROUP - https://www.roblox.com/groups/7376406/FRUIT-LOOPS-Official-Jeffo-GROUP#!/about ▶JEFFO ROBLOX PROFILE - https://www.roblox.com/users/1694458314/profile Watch more JEFFO here: ▶YOUTUBE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTs72V4EWMKS95ufh90jMnA ▶INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/jefforoblox/ ▶TIKTOK - https://www.tiktok.com/@jefforoblox #adoptmeeggs #eggopeningchallenge #adoptmesecrets

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