Tesla hit another milestone in the driverless car rollout. Fool.com contributor and finance professor Parkev Tatevosian reviews the latest developments and what they could mean for Tesla stock investors. A portion of this video is sponsored by The Motley Fool. Visit https://fool.com/parkev to get access to my special offer. The Motley Fool Stock Advisor returns are 637% as of 02/26/2024 and measured against the S&P 500 returns of 149% as of 02/26/2024. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. All investing involves a risk of loss. Individual investment results may vary, not all Motley Fool Stock Advisor picks have performed as well. DISCLAIMER: All content on this channel is for entertainment and should not be taken as professional financial advice. #teslastock #tslastock #tslaprediction #tsla #tslawnews #teslaprice #growthstocks #growthstockstobuy #growthstockinvesting #bestgrowthstocks #topgrowthstocks #bestgrowthstockstobuy #topgrowthstockstobuy #topstockpicks #stockmarket #stocks #stockstobuy #topstockstobuy #beststockstobuy #stockmarketinvesting #investing #invest #investors #warrenbuffett #Cathiewood #investingeducation #valuestocks #garpstocks #stockstoinvest #parkevtatevosian #motleyfool #elonmusk #teslastock #tslastock #amznstock #aaplstock #pltrstock #palantirstock #sofistock #sofi #paypalstock #pyplstock #stockmarketbuys #stockmarketcrash #bullmarket #bearmarket #cnbc #cnbcstocks #cryptocurrency #gold #passiveincome #passiveincomeideas #passiveincomestrategies #dividendstocks #dividendinvesting #dividendstockstobuy #bestdividendstockstobuy #topdividendstockstobuy #dividendos #usastocks #usstocks #financialanalysis #technicalanalysis #fundamentalanalysis #securityanalysis #equityinvesting #dividendyield