#TSMR6SKIN - TSM @tsmachieved and @Beaulo recently took a side quest to discover the BRAND NEW TSM MOZZIE SKIN for Rainbow Six Siege! (R6S Pro League Skins) From the best R6 Team in NA, this exclusive skin was 100% Redesigned from the ground up, carefully crafted in classic TSM Black & White and mixing in warpaint red accents with a stealth gray base. The dirt bike helmet and tactical gloves drip with dragon scales, which seamlessly compliment your Command 9. And when it comes to your AR, it's an elite custom-designed weapon ONLY available to MOZZIE. This rare version carries a stock wrapped in a gorgeous TSM emblem over black to blend in like camo. While the barrel is made of metallic gold with complimenting dragon patterns and topped off with a polished red/black tip. Look closely, and you'll even find "Property of TSM" stamped on the weapon, so you can always rep the best and look excellent while doing it. This is the first time in R6S history TSM has ever created such a special Mozzie skin. So get your TSM limited edition NOW before it's gone forever! ▶ WANT TO WIN THIS SKIN? FIND OUT HOW IN THE COMMENTS BELOW! Follow Achieved https://www.twitch.tv/tsm_achieved https://twitter.com/TSM_Achieved https://www.instagram.com/tsm_achieved https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6rhf_R0egGqPlmoMZnu-WQ Follow Beaulo https://www.twitch.tv/beaulo https://twitter.com/TSM_Beaulo https://www.instagram.com/beaulooo https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgIGMDYhCqiwls28cygpYqg ▶ Subscribe to get more free pro tips and tricks, Rainbow Six Guides, and funny challenge videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/SolomidDOTNet?sub_confirmation=1 -- Follow TSM: ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TSM​​ ▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/TSM​​ ▶ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@TSM​​ ▶ Discord: https://discord.gg/TSM​​ ******* ▷ Official Shop: https://tsmshop.com/​​ ******* WANT TO SEE MOST EXPENSIVE $50,000,000 GAMING FACILITY BEING BUILT? https://youtu.be/3Ov5vwTb7aY​​ -- WHO IS TSM? "TSM is North America's gold standard" ~ ESPN "Ranked #1 Most Valuable Esports Company In The World" ~ FORBES We are the #1 premier esports org in the USA. With a passion for gaming, entertaining, and winning. From Rainbow Six Siege to Valorant to League of Legends and beyond, we have championship caliber pro teams and wildly popular streaming influencers. To all our dedicated fans, and all our future fans: Thank you for joining us on this journey. We promise we'll always do our best, to be the best. And together, let's build the future of gaming. TSM. -- TSM R6 HAS ITS OWN CHANNEL??? • Get all the details here: https://youtu.be/kKNKmWBVut8​ -- LOOKING FOR A LAUGH? • THINK YOU'RE SMARTER THAN A 5TH GRADER? Our TSM R6 boys sure think they are as they head back to class for this grade school challenge! https://youtu.be/r8MRaa6xbx8​ • What happens when an R6 pro teaches a noob how to play Rainbow Six Siege? Absolute chaos, of course. After some BM, Achieved sat down with Chuy, one of the members of the TSM content team, and taught him EXACTLY what it takes to become a pro player in R6. https://youtu.be/heLtQ7Zb3VA​ • R6 vs Valorant 4v5 in Rainbow6! What happens when 5 TOP Radiant Valorant Pro Gamers face off against TSM R6, in Siege? You get utter FPS MADNESS! https://youtu.be/oynxq7DrSic​​ • R6 vs Val 4v5 in Valorant! Watch your favorite R6 boys take on the best Valorant team in the world, but this time in Valorant! Ft: WARDELL​, Subroza​, Hazed, Cutler, & TSM drone​. https://youtu.be/79Xtmpri3eA​​ • AMONG US. IN REAL LIFE. TSM RAINBOW SIX SIEGE. https://youtu.be/8O0jFYa_V3M​​ • What happens when R6 Pros take on the impossible 25,000 DPI Mouse Challenge? Absolute insanity! https://youtu.be/lvfwLLZ3f8w​​ • $500 CHICKEN NUGGET CHALLENGE. The TSM Siege team takes on the chicken nugget challenge! Featuring your favorite R6 players: Beaulo, Geometrics, Merc, Achieved & Pojoman: https://youtu.be/XxgvPkya-gY​​ • Think you're smarter than a fifth grader? Our Rainbow6 pros sure think they are: https://youtu.be/52NwO63CCXs​​ • Ever wanted to clutch like Beaulo even when you're AFK? https://youtu.be/ue6Vry2iJwo​​ -- WANT MORE PRO R6 GUIDES? • TSM Beaulo brings you the ULTIMATE guide on how to play R6 operator Zofia https://youtu.be/9yZJf3kGFTA​​ • TSM Merc brings you the COMPLETE guide on R6S operator ASH https://youtu.be/Sy7s5IWLShU​​ • Rainbow Six Siege: THE COMPLETE BUCK GUIDE! Best Tips by TSM Pro Achieved https://youtu.be/zXJhl_A-T_U​​ • Rainbow Six Siege: THE SMOKE GUIDE (D)! Pro Tips & Tricks - TSM Pojoman (R6 Gameplay) https://youtu.be/Rte3vfa-uJo​​ -- WANT TO BE INSPIRED? • Like Beaulo? Get to know him more in this intimate behind-the-scenes documentary about his homegrown life in Las Vegas, and how his father never took esports seriously: https://youtu.be/mQ9C4KuiejE​​ -- WHAT IS R6? Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is a 5v5 tactical fps developed by Ubisoft, with seasonal majors in NA, EU, APAC, and LATAM -- #RAINBOWSIXSIEGE​​ #TSMR6

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