Want to learn more about photography and business? Head over to my Patreon page to see all the different things I offer! https://www.patreon.com/travisharris The general public, client’s and ironically photographers all seem to think that the reason why photographers become photographers as a full-time career is because they love photography, and obsess over making images. While this is definitely true, I am here to say there is much more to it than just the end results of the image and if you really listen to what I express and go down the "rabbit hole" with me in this short podcast you will understand a much larger worldview of thinking. Being a full-time wedding photographer can be one of the most rewarding, for filling, and powerful careers anyone could possibly have.. and it has very little to do with making pictures 😊 You can see the photography blog I referenced in my video here: https://fstoppers.com/ My own website is here: http://travisharris.com/

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