The discovery of the structure of the DNA double helix was one of the most important of the 20th century. In this educational video, explore Watson and Crick’s quest to understand DNA’s structure, and Rosalind Franklin’s key insights via x-ray crystallography. Rarely seen archival footage is combined with interviews with some of today’s leading scientists to bring this Nobel Prize–winning discovery and all of its scientific implications to life. Free classroom resources supporting this short film can be found at

DNAdouble helixWatson and CrickDNA modelsRosalind Franklintriple helixbase pairshydrogen bondingbiology lesson planNobel PrizeLinus Paulingx-ray crystallographyscientific discoveryHHMI BioInteractive Science EducationFrancis Crick (Academic)Nucleic Acid Double Helix (Chemical Compound)