(16 Apr 2024) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ++AUDIO AS INCOMING++ POOL New York - 16 April 2024 1. Trump arriving and greeting with people at the front of the Sanaa Convenient Store, supporters and Trump, UPSOUND (English) "Four more years!" ASSOCIATED PRESS New York - 16 April 2024 2. Wide of onlookers POOL New York - 16 April 2024 3. Trump walking out from the Sanaa Convenient Store with supporters chanting "Trump" 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, Former U.S. President: "This is a very exciting time for me because the bodegas, the association invited me and I respect them and they respect me. They want law and order. They have a lot of crime, tremendous crime, where their stores are being robbed." ASSOCIATED PRESS New York - 16 April 2024 5. Wide of people around Trump POOL New York - 16 April 2024 6. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, Former U.S. President: "We are gonna come to New York. We are making a big play for New York. Other cities too, but this city. I love this city, and it's gotten so bad in the last three years, four years, and we're going to straighten New York out. So running for president, we're putting a big hit for New York." 7. Trump departing ASSOCIATED PRESS New York - 16 April 2024 8. Med of Trump getting to a motorcade 9. Pan of motorcade leaving STORYLINE: Fresh from a Manhattan courtroom, Donald Trump arrived at a Harlem bodega for a campaign stop after his second day in court. Hundreds of onlookers were waiting as his motorcade arrived outside the Sanaa Convenient Store, a location chosen for him to spotlight his campaign messages on crime and inflation. Trump pumped his fist and shook hands with some supporters. He joined them as they chanted "four more years!" before heading into the bodega. He came out after a few minutes and said, "They want law and order.""Running for president, we're putting a big hit for New York." AP Video by Ted Shaffrey =========================================================== Clients are reminded to adhere to all listed restrictions and to check the terms of their licence agreements. For further assistance, please contact the AP Archive on: Tel +44(0)2074827482 Email: info@aparchive.com. Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork Twitter: https://twitter.com/AP_Archive Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APArchives ​​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/APNews/ #trump #donaldtrump #trial #campaign You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/32906c0165f841c389e2bc2d1d2d07dd

32906c0165f841c389e2bc2d1d2d07dd4489109AP ArchiveDonald TrumpUS NY Election 2024 Trump Harlem