Watch the only Libertarian vs. Democrat vs. Republican debate this election season in its entirety as Doug Casey, James Carville and Charles Krauthammer battle it out. Who's better for the country, Obama or Romney? Is the 16th Amendment still important in 2012? And should you even vote? Hear what they have to say from all sides-- Carville the Democrat, Krauthammer the Republican, and Casey the wildcard! A Kitco exclusive, we bring you the debate you'll be talking about well after the election, straight from the 2012 New Orleans Investment Conference. VOTE FOR WHO YOU THINK CAME OUT ON TOP on Facebook: or on the Kitco Forums ( Kitco News, October 27, 2012. --- Agree? Disagree? Join the conversation @ The Kitco Forums and be part of the premier online community for precious metals investors: -- Or join the conversation on social media: @KitcoNewsNOW on Twitter: --- Kitco News on Facebook:

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