Song-Panjeban Dhol Mix Singer-Shivjot Ft.Gurlez Akhtar Remix-Dj Dinesh Loharu Video Mixed By-Remix Booth Label-Remix Booth 🎧🎧 Please Use Headphones🎧🎧 Follow Us On Instagram👉 -----------------Disclaimer-------------------- COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER UNDER SECTION 107 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT 1970,ALLOWANCE IS MADE FOR FAIR USE FOR PURPOSES SUCH CRITICSM,COMMENT,NEWS ROPERTING, TEACHING AND RESEARCH . FAIR USE IS A USE PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT STATUTE THAT MIGHT OTHERWISE BE INFRINGING .NON PROFIT, EDUCATIONAL,OR PERSONAL USE TIPS THE BALANCE IN FAVOR OF FAIR USE No Copyright Infringement Intenfed If You Want The Video Removed Please Contact Us We'll Be Happy To Do So. Disclaimer: Only For Promotional Purpose. I Don't Hold Any Copyrights The Songs, All Rights Reserved By The Respective Owners. All copyrights belong to Respective owners. No copyrights infringement intended. For Promotional Use Only. ??Please do not block this video??\ Remix Cradits: Remixed By-Dj Dinesh Loharu Follow Dj Dinesh Loharu On 👇👇 Youtube👉 Instagram👉 Please Support Dj Dinesh Loharu _______________________________Tags- #Remix Booth#Bhangra Mix Sidhumoosewala #Remix B,Music #Dj Laddi MSN, #Remix Booth DJ Remix Booth Presents, Lahoria Dj Mandeep Andana, #Remix Booth #Official, #DHOLREMIX songs, #punjabiRemix, #Lahoria #Production #remix, #DJ LADDI MSN , DJ #REMIX SONGS all #songs, #BhangraMashup, #Bhangra, #DHOLREMIX Bhangra, #PunjabiMashup, #DJNonstop #hitmashup, #Mashup 2018, DJ #REMIX BOOTH OFFICIAL#Remix #lahoriaproduction,Dj #Lahoria Production, #PunjabiRemixSong #Dhol Remix,#DjLahoria production, Lahoria Production, DJ Rahul Records #Presents #BhangraMashup #Amritmann #DJshadowDubai #DineshLoharu #MODERN PUNJAB #Djlishkaraent #DholRemix #GeetMp3 #SpeedRecords #Djpunjabi #punjabi2020 #Newpunjabi #Aprialremix #Juneremix2020 #REMIX BOOTH OFFICIAL #Dj MANDEEP ANDANA #Jalandhar #Chandigarh #Punjab #Remix#India #Djmy mi #Trending#1 #Dholki #Dhol #Kick #3D #8DSound #TiktokViral #ViralVideos #DjRahul2020 #SpeedRecords #Sharrymann #Jassmanak #Parmishvermgam #diljitdosanjh #Timemusic #Viralvideo #Latestpunjabi #Tiktok #likkee #HitDj #DjSong #Djosl #Djsunny #Djhans #Newyearbhangramashup2020 #Punjabimashup #punjabi2020 #PunjabiBhngra #Djhns#Djlishkara #djhansnewsong #Lahoriaptonewsong #Newsong #DjtopHit #amritmaan #sharrymaan #diljitdosanjh #bannisandhu #punjabisongs #Djltestnonstop #nonstopmashup #LatestPunjabiSong #RemixLatest #2020 #Latest2020#DjMandeepAnadna #Djmandeepharyana #chandigarh #Delhi #DjshadowDubai #Mumbai #Tiktokviral #Viralvideos #MODERN Punjab #Djmashupworld #Koralamaan #Jassmanak #Dinesh Loharu2020 #PunjabiRemix2020 #Bassboost #3DSongs #DholMix #Djhans #Djwale #WeddingSong #Lahoriaproduction #Djremix Booth #RemixBoothOfficial Thanks For Watching Keep Supporting Remix Booth🙏🙏

New Song 2020Punjabi SongBhangra RemixLahoria ProductionDj SSSDJ Laddi MSNDj LishkaraRemix SongsDhol MixSidhu Moose WalsKaran AujlaDiljit DosanjhGippy GrewalPunjani RemixLight Bass 11Gurlez AkhtarDj Of PunjabModern PunjabBollywoodBollywood MashupsDj GodessPunjabi SongsHit Punjabi Songs 2020Amrit Maan RemixSidhu MashupsSidhu Moosewala MashupsKaran Aujla MashupsDj ShadowRemix Booth OfficialDj FrenzyDj