This is the unbelievable story of Ismail Azizi, a man who has died and come back to life six times. From surviving snake bites to waking up in the morgue, Ismail's experiences have led his community to believe he's a ghost. Join us as we travel to Tanzania to uncover the truth behind these miraculous resurrections and the impact they've had on his life. Watch to hear from Ismail himself and learn how he copes with being treated as a ghost in his own village. #Afrimax #MiracleMan #GhostStory #UnbelievableJourney #Survival #StrangeButTrue #NearDeathExperience #DeathAndLife

Afrimax EnglishAfrimax tvTrulyBarcoft tvBBCtlcMiracleManGhostStoryUnbelievableJourneySurvivalResurrectionLifeAfterDeathIncredibleStoryMysteryTrueStoryTanzaniaFuneralMiracleWitchcraftParanormalUnbelievableAfrimaxEnglishIsmailAziziImmortalityRealLifeGhostShockingStoryAmazingResilienceSurvivorInspiringStorySupernaturalLifeChallengesHumanSpiritOvercomingAdversityStrangeButTrueNearDeathExperienceDeathAndLife