In this latest compelling interview, Darryl and Brian Panes from As Good As Gold Australia interview Alasdair Macleod, Advisor to AGAGA. Alasdair provides his thoughts on Greg Mannarino's strong comments about our global financial future and the hell the banking sector is about to unleash into the global economy. Greg believes that today more than at any other time in human history, NOTHING is what it appears to be. The system, their SYSTEM has been twisted into an 'in our face' nightmare state for the middle class. A psyop, an extreme counter intelligence sabotage deconstruction, propaganda scheme on an unprecedented scale. A key component of their system, of which we are all forced to participate, legally removes wealth/ownership/liberty and freedoms from the masses, and pushes it right up to the elite class. Greg concludes, 'does that sound a bit harsh?' It's time to wake up, as a new phase is about to begin. Alasdair shares his impressions in detail. Every hundred years, there seems to be a massive change in the world's monetary system. The US has held the role of reserve currency status for just over a hundred years, and China is breating down its neck for a monetary change. Is China or Russia ready and willing to position themselves to attain the world's reserve currency status? It has been said that the United States is increasing its government debt by US$100 trillion every hundred days. The debt at the moment is US$35.26 trillion, and by these calculations, the debt will be over US$36.3 trillion by Christmas. What effect will this have on the gold price? For some time now, Alasdair has been suggesting that we need to 'get out of credit' and hold real money. What does that really mean that we need to do? As Good As Gold Australia is about to hold one of the biggest precious metals events ever held in Australia on Saturday, 30th November at the InterContinental Adelaide. 'Countdown to Collapse - Unleashing The Next Economic Financial Storm' The event will highlight 5 kenote speakers, featuring world-renowned precious metals experts; Alasdair Macleod and Lynette Zang, with personal development coach and wealth educator, Pat Mesiti leading the charge. An event not to be missed! Early Bird Tickets are On Sale Now - Get Your Tickets: