Five Best Weight Training Tips... Guys.. a lot of the time you just dive right into your workouts. If you are just getting back into working out, you especially just go straight to doing exercises. It is great that you are getting back into the gym, but I want to make sure you are well equipped to build muscle the right way. That is why I am going to give you my 5 best weight training tips, before you hit the gym. Some of these may seem obvious, but I want to make sure you hear them again because they are important. Let’s get started with my 5 best weight training tips for building muscle and workout out. Tip #1: CORE SQUEEZE. This is a big key because it will help you protect your back. Make sure to tighten your midsection by squeezing your core when doing an exercise. This will brace your body and protect your back from injury! You want to make sure that you are not using your spine to support the weight when lifting weights and doing resistance training. Tip #2: POSTURE & BREATHING. Make sure to stand straight and tall, and keep your shoulder back. Opening your arms up will help you naturally pull your shoulders back. Keep your head up tall, and your chin slightly in. This will help with making sure that your spine is aligned. You also want to focus on your breathing doing your repetitions. Breathe out on the contraction (concentric) and breathe in on the extension (eccentric). Doing these will help ensure that you get the most out of your workouts, while keeping your body safe. Tip #3: THE “NEGATIVE” REP. A great way to advance your exercises without increasing the amount of resistance, is to increase the time under tension. As you are releasing the tension, do a 6 count to increase the time under tension. With it being a negative rep, it works your muscle in a slightly different way as well which will help you build up that muscle more. Tip #4: GET YOUR REST DAYS! Listen to your body as to how many rest days you need in a week. Your muscles need time to recover, so that the damaged muscle fibers are able to heal and get bigger. That way the next time you go to the gym, you can hit the weights hard again. Tip #5: NUTRITION IS IMPORTANT! Great bodies are not just made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen as well. Make sure to get on a diet regimen, so that you are getting enough protein, fats, and the right carbs. If you are trying to build muscle, you need to make sure you are eating enough calories as well. Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial with my 5 best weight training tips for men. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to build muscle and get ripped.