Minecraft doesn't have concrete lore, but its hints and clues can be used as a scaffold by modders and builders alike. This video contains all such lore that I am aware of, as well as some examples of how to expand it. Website: https://wiki.minecraftabnormals.com/Main_Page Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/minecraftabnormals Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftabnormals Discords: https://discord.gg/UejgrBn https://discord.gg/zADvTSy Twitters: https://twitter.com/mcabnormals https://twitter.com/teamabnormals 0:00 Introduction 1:27 Water and the Ocean 1:50 Example 1: Crafting Recipe 2:45 The End 5:01 Example 2: New End mobs 5:46 Energy 6:44 The Nether 8:47 Gold and Piglins 10:00 Asking Questions 10:47 The Undead 12:02 Example 3: Totem of Withering 12:45 Illagers and Villagers 14:04 Miscellaneous quasilore 14:59 Example 4: Badlands Pyramid 15:38 Conclusion