An intimate look into the world of a blind opera singer, FEARLESS offers a unique perspective on fortitude and success. -- In 1988, a blind girl named Nafset Chenib was born in a small provincial town in a traditional, patriarchal Caucasus region of Russia. Her father died when she was four, her mother sought treatment for Nafset from best doctors in Russia for nearly two decades. At the age of twenty four Nafset lost her mother and sister in a tragic car accident and later confirmed her condition to be incurable. Now, a thirty year old New Yorker with more accomplishments than most achieve in a lifetime — including the headline performance at the Closing Ceremony of 2014 Paralympics along with José Carreras, she is ready to share her story and invite us onto her journey of making it big in America. We will follow Nafset on her professional and everyday life, feature various interviews with her colleagues in US and worldwide, license footage from multiple TV channels that tapped her concerts over the years. We also plan to produce a stylized performance videos accompanied by a soundtrack of classical and crossover music sung by Nafset — these sequences will reveal Nafset’s view of the world. With fearless spirit and hard work, Nafset reached her goals despite all odds. Forced to confront the world without sight, this remarkable woman imparts her thoughts, perception, and inner visions of the outer world. We as audience will ultimately see that we can’t fathom her perception without challenging our own.

DocumentaryFilmmakingDisabilityBlindOperaSingerNafset ChenibAlia AshkenaziAlia AzamatCrowfunding