Hey loves Here is how to apply fake tattoo baby hair for the first time ; so this video is about how to apply the temporary tattoo baby hair for this of us that struggle with how to do baby hair . But I guess the final result was not what I expected. Please don’t forget to like,comment and subscribe......... Other videos you might love to watch ❤️How to stop breakout on face : https://youtu.be/Wm1kxV4mLqc ❤️2021 updated everyday makeup tutorial: https://youtu.be/DeOChkl_zLI ❤️Worst makeup artist Made me insecure: https://youtu.be/ejVcw0p_mW0 ❤️I went to the best reviewed makeup artist for instagram baddie look : https://youtu.be/HpdqpsSkm_g If am not here and here instagram: https://instagram.com/beautybyblesyn?utm_medium=copy_link For business enquires,sponsorship, partnership Email: Godwinblesyn90@gmail.com Adablesyn Xoxo 😘💋 #adablesyntv #tattoobabyhair #fakebabyhair #instantbabyhair #temporababyhair #tattoobabyhair #babyhair #edges #howtofakebabyhair #howtoapplytemporalbabyhair #howtoapplytattoobabyhair #howtoapplyfakeedges #

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