Your beauty never fades, only you wrinkles do!!! That is what collagen does to you, collagen is an essential protein which is found in our skin and nails and is responsible for our aging signs and other things. But as per studies studies, as we turn elder, the amount of collagen also decreases in our body!!! But it can be rejuvenated through different mediums such as change into a healthy lifestyle, no smoking, collagen shots etc. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, found in the bones, muscles, skin, and tendons. Doctors use collagen in wound healing techniques. It also features in cosmetic preparations to enhance the skin. Instagram- and Facebook- Website link - For more information, contact us at 070621-61000, 070622-59000 Wrinkles Reduction in Jaipur Collagen Treatment in Jaipur Dermal fillers in Jaipur Fillers treatment in Jaipur