Menopause isn’t causing your weight gain 🤯. It may feel like just looking at a calorie makes it stick to your belly, but menopause is a scapegoat for something else. 👇 Weight gain during this phase of life is not inevitable. 🙌 Even if your doctor says things like: “It’s normal to gain some weight as you age.” or “You’re just going to have to live with it.” or “It could be a lot worse.” 🙄 But if you’ve gained at least 10 pounds since going through menopause, I bet you’re also experiencing at least one of the following: 😞 You’ve noticed your joints have started to ache and have no idea why, but it’s limiting your exercise. 🥱You struggle to get a full nights sleep and drag yourself through the day, just waiting for the time you can go back to bed. 🧁You constantly crave salt and sugar and have no idea how to handle these cravings. Blaming menopause for your weight gain is like blaming April 14th for the Titanic sinking. They are both just dates on the calendar. Menopause is one year since your last period. The real reason you’re gaining weight after menopause is because of your hormonal changes. While estrogen and progesterone get a lot of attention, there’s another hormone directly responsible for this rise in body fat and decrease in muscle mass - insulin. 💡 Insulin is your fat creation and storage hormone. If you want to shed this post-menopause fat and build muscle, doing what you’ve always done won’t work. You must develop a specific lifestyle plan that keeps insulin low. We’ve helped hundreds of women lose weight and improve their health after menopause. If this is you, comment GUIDE to get our free Ultimate Food Guide. This free teaches you what to eat, how much, and why to keep insulin low. The effort is 💯 worth it for your and your family’s quality of life. This is YOUR time. Subscribe to our YT Channel for more on lowering insulin levels for long-term weight loss and better health. #womenswellness #hormonebalancing #menopauseweightloss #menopauserelief #menopausesymptoms #menopausesupport #over50fitness #doingthisforme #takecontrolofyourhealth #choosehealth #healthyaging #choosehealthy #agewell #insulinresistance #insulinresistancedie

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