Satyanarayan Nuwal left Bhilwara in Rajasthan in search of livelihood when he was barely 17. Taking up odd jobs here and there, attempting to trade in commodities — and failing a couple of times, he chanced upon an opportunity to buy and sell licensed explosives to government mining companies in the late 1970s. Slowly and meticulously Nuwal, a school dropout gained experience and expertise in this highly restricted field, often struggling to make ends meet. Through sheer dint of hard work and dogged determination, he established, built and now heads one of the largest explosives and ammunition companies in the world. Headquartered in Nagpur, Solar Industries is today a truly global company. BharatShakti is proud to kickstart a new series, 'On The Shop Floor', by chronicling Mr Nuwal’s work ethic and understanding future plans for making India self-sufficient in ammunition and force multipliers like armed drones as he narrates his life story to Editor-in-Chief Nitin A. Gokhale. Follow us on Social Media: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Item Title: Dramatic Trailer Item URL: Item ID: YFCD7PG Author Username: StudioKolomna Licensee: SNI Wire Registered Project Name: On the shop floor License Date: March 1st, 2024 Item License Code: L7ZUK3VDGH

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