Are you missing out on a perfectly designed, totally accessible source of help from the Universe? Suzanne Giesemann will quickly change that with her easy-to-understand explanation of energy fields. You’ll gain a whole new perspective of the fields within you, around you, and intersecting with you. One of the new insights you’ll learn was given to Suzanne directly from the other side by her mentor and friend now across the veil, the world renown medium, Mavis Pittilla. This “aha” will take your connection to the spirit world to a brand-new level! Learn how to light up your connection to a field and how to end field effects that linger. Understand the power of energy fields in your life and tap into this power. Suzanne is a retired U.S. Navy Commander who now serves humanity as a messenger of hope. She is the author and teacher of The Awakened Way™ - a mindful approach to living in awareness that you are not only human, you are part of one big web connecting all that is, and the creative and healing Force of the universe is Love. Find out more about Suzanne and her mission at: Download Suzanne’s Free App: Find Suzanne on Facebook: See Suzanne’s Upcoming Events: #mediumship #suzannegiesemann #spiritualtools #energyfields #aura