🇩🇪Germany Job Seeker Visa💶 ✅Requirements - ➡️Hold a Bachelor/Master’s Degree from a German university or an equivalent foreign degree. Check anabin.com ➡️Have a minimum of 5 years of experience in your related field of study or work ➡️Show proof that you have sufficient funds to cover your stay. - blocked account - 5604 euros / 5 lakh INR OR a formal obligation letter from someone who can sponsor your stay in Germany ✅Duration of the visa - 6 months ♦️Can you work part time on this visa ? - NO 📖Language to learn - German & English (Various english speaking jobs available, but good to know German) 💶Average salary of someone with 5 years of work ex- 75 to 100K euros (Could be more and less depending on the job sector, profile & company) 🔗 You can apply for the visa directly via the official website. Go to vfs global book your visa slot under the job seeker category. Website link - https://visa.vfsglobal.com/ind/en/deu/login 🔗 Check what are the documents required here - https://india.diplo.de/in-en/service/-/2539332 Hope this is helpful 🙏🏼 Please do subscribe 🙏🏼 #germanyjobseekervisa #movetogermany #workingermany #jobsingermany #germany #jobs #work #jobseekervisa #flyingabroad