Twitter: Facebook: We issue a friendly challenge to our generation to get educated about the National Debt and the impact it can have on our future. Decisions are being made today that will affect us for years to come. We can't rely on others to take care of the future for us. We need to take responsibility for our future now by getting educated, participating in the discussion, and contributing to the solution. Ignoring the predicted growth in the National Debt is no longer an option for us. The National Debt is Our Future Please join us in the first step -- to get educated -- by watching our new video. We hope to see you along the path to a solution. Together we can manage the National Debt. Fellow Millennials from UVA

National DebtUVAUniversity of VirginiaFederal SpendingMillennialsHealthcareEducationSocial SecurityBipartisanDardenBattenInstitute for Business in SocietyJefferson TrustNational DebtJefferson TrustNational Debt Of The United States (Literature Subject)MBA (Degree)