Cody Auger, chef/owner of Nimblefish in Portland, Oregon, breaks down 11 whole fish and turns them each into a single piece of nigiri. Watch as he scales, fillets and prepares Red Sea Bream (Tai), Threeline Grunt (Isaki), Golden Eye Snapper (Kinmedai), Young Gizzard Shad (Shinko), Sardine (Iwashi), Horse Mackeral (Aji), Trevally Jack (Shima Aji), Yellow Striped Butterfish (Takabe), Beltfish (Tachiuo), Bigfin Reef Squid (Aori Ika) and Bigeye Tuna (Maguro). He also demonstrates how to make Tomago, a Japanese egg omelet. Want Bon Appétit shirts, hats and more? Still haven’t subscribed to Bon Appétit on YouTube? ►► Want more Bon Appétit in your life? Subscribe to the magazine and score a free tote! ABOUT BON APPÉTIT Bon Appétit is a highly opinionated food brand that wants everyone to love cooking and eating as much as we do. We believe in seasonal produce, properly salted pasta water, and developing recipes that anyone can make at home. How to Make 12 Types of Sushi with 11 Different Fish | Handcrafted | Bon Appétit Cody Auger, chef/co-owner of Nimblefish

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