Want to say YES to your next vacay without going into CC debt? Check out my mini class, Millennial Money Moves! https://bit.ly/millennialmoneymoves I'm showing you the exact amount in my retirement accounts plus the THREE funds that I solely invest in that help me get closer to financial freedom. I am not a financial advisor so please consider this video as educational. When you invest, you do so at your own risk! -------- Want your budget reviewed anonymously on my channel? Fill out the Google Form here - https://forms.gle/7RpbxEEUtoLayMx76 -------- 📒 I wrote a kids book and it's available on Amazon! Get your copy of Investing for Kids: 65 Activities about Saving, Growing, and Investing Your Money: https://amzn.to/3CRNkp1 -------- 📝CHECK OUT THE HOW TO CONTROL YOUR SPENDING WORKBOOK http://bit.ly/DFMworkbook -------- 💌 READY TO BUDGET? Sign up for the Debt Free Millennials FREE budget toolkit: https://www.debtfreemillennials.com/toolkit -------- 💻 SIGN UP FOR BUDGET BOOTCAMP https://www.debtfreemillennials.com/budget-bootcamp -------- 🌟 My favorite money-saving app: FETCH REWARDS USE CODE WR367 TO RECEIVE FREE POINTS! https://fetchrewards.onelink.me/vvv3/referraltext?code=WR367 -------- If you're paying more than $35/month for your cell phone, you're doing it wrong! Check out Mint Mobile (the cell phone carrier that I use, and keeps it budget-friendly!) - http://fbuy.me/ujCzy -------- My favorite FREE car insurance quote comparison tool: GABI® NOW EXPERIAN®, FOR AUTO INSURANCE https://www.dpbolvw.net/click-100603519-15369152 -------- 🔸 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@debtfreemillennials 🔸 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/debtfreemillennials 🔸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/debtfreemillennials_ 🔸 Site: https://www.debtfreemillennials.com Disclosure: Links contain affiliates. When you buy through one of my links, I will receive a commission. This is at no cost to you and helps support my channel! 🔴 Partner With Me - debtfreemillennials@creatorsagency.co

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