Bella Adams isn't your typical, outgoing, happy-go-lucky teen. She has hoped that her summer would include watching Pawflix alone by herself, being in her room, and not really going anywhere where she would be seen by lots of people. That's because she is homeschooled, and has social anxiety. Unsurprisingly, Bella's parents are hoping she can make some friends by sending her to a summer camp with 10 other teenagers there, including boys. Stay tuned for Season 1, Episode 2! ********** LET'S CONNECT! ♡ ---------------------------- Instagram: Wattpad: Google+: ---------------------------- The Forest and the Trees, There is Romance, Cut and Run, Scheming Weasel (Faster Version) Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License *** The Love Club (Instrumental) DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. *** TabbyCat LPS 2016

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