I Transformed My Body In 7 Days #shorts Download our app and start your own 90-Day Challenge 🔥💪 Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/90-day-challenge/id6446773000 Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.browney.nintydayschallenge #viral #challenge We only have 7 days to get into the best shape of our life. This is what we look like on day 1. Step one is eating less and less carbs And change our training to high rep volume, to get all the energy out of the muscle, Which doesn’t sound too good, but it is. In the meantime we need to drink as much water as possible, but we will dry out on day 7, to look even crazier. And it seems to be working, we’re looking better and better. The Rock also uses babyoil

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