Unchecked groundwater use is draining aquifers across the U.S., threatening drinking water supplies and the nation’s status as a food superpower. For example, the Ogallala Aquifer beneath the Great Plains supports about 30% of all U.S. crop and animal production, but in 2022, parts of the water table reached their lowest levels since NASA started measuring two decades ago. WSJ explains why this crisis is posing an “existential threat” to many communities and looks at how the critical natural resources could be saved. Chapters: 0:00 Groundwater disappearing 0:33 Importance of groundwater in Kansas 2:48 How communities are adapting 4:11 Systemic issues leading to depletion 5:03 Depletion across the country 5:39 What’s next? News Explainers Some days the high-speed news cycle can bring more questions than answers. WSJ’s news explainers break down the day's biggest stories into bite-size pieces to help you make sense of the news. #Groundwater #Food #WSJ

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