👉🏻 FERTILITY ANTI-AGING TRAINING : https://marcsklar.com/fertilityantiaging_training/ This week’s episode is for all of the women who have that niggly feeling in their tummies that invasive treatments aren’t quite the best next step for them yet, for anyone feeling rushed into IVF, and for those of you who wish to know more about getting pregnant naturally in your 40s. I want to give you all the information you need to advocate for yourself in a fertility clinic aged 40 and over. Watch the full video to learn how you can be more fertile in 3 months time than you were 10 years ago! LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO: ► WATCH MORE VIDEOS TO IMPROVE YOUR DIET 👉🏻 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD_JcpXv8eVg1VNeMam_ODZpQ_gHbMTEt 🖥 READ THE FULL POST HERE : https://bit.ly/3qFYRyI ________________________________________________ WHO IS THE POSITIVE PREGNANCY METHOD FOR? ✅Your doctors keep telling you everything is normal but you've been trying for over a year for a baby. You know there is something off and don’t know how to figure out what it is on your own. ✅You're trying for a baby over 35 and people's preconceptions about your fertility and the health of your future baby are really weighing you down. ✅You wish you could hear more positive, uplifting and helpful information that actually helps YOU to get pregnant (and doesn’t make you feel like a lost cause!) ✅You want to grow/start a family. The truth is… there are many big and beautiful families that don’t start growing until parents are in their 30s and 40s. ✅You're tired of being your own advocate in your fertility healthcare. You feel like this is like a full-time job and wish there was somewhere you could get all of the guidance you need... in one place your trust. ✅You feel like there’s too much contradicting information out there about the best fertility tracking methods, which labs to should order, the lifestyle choices you need to make, what foods can / can’t eat and want to be able to create a fertility plan for yourself.. THEN THE POSITIVE PREGNANCY METHOD IS WHAT YOU NEED! ENROLL NOW 👉 https://bit.ly/3pvI8ge ________________________________________________ WANT TO HAVE MARC AS YOUR PERSONAL FERTILITY COACH? ► You're ready to balance your hormones and get pregnant naturally ► You want to reset your reproductive health while preparing for IVF ► You want to improve your egg quality and ovarian reserve with proven natural fertility protocols ► You need a break from IVF and want to get pregnant naturally ► You have been diagnosed with a fertility condition, such as unexplaned infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, low ovarian reserve, fibroid, thyroid issues, autoimmune, irregular cycles, ► You are worried that is taking too long and you're "wasting your time" ► You are worried that is taking too long and you're "wasting your time" BY APPLICATION ONLY He is accepting applications now to work with us in a small group. Serious inquiries only pls. Check out the details and book a call here 👉 https://bit.ly/3ptdowb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERN7H8sCBg4&feature=youtu.be #fertility #getpregnant #fertilitytv

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