To begin I added a video to my timeline and I want to do a strobe light effect to it. Start by going to effects panel and search for strobe light, drag and drop strobe light effect into your video. With your video selected, go to effect controls and under strobe light, and set strobe duration to point 2 and strobe period to point 4. Then click on strobe color and choose the color you want. You can increase blend with original value to see some of the original clip when strobe happens. You can play around with strobe operator to create different effects. 🔔 Subscribe and Learn MORE: How to Do a Strobe Effect in Premiere Pro Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:10 Use strobe light effect 00:20 Change strobe light properties #premiere_pro #premiere_pro_effects #premiere_pro_tutorials do a strobe effect, do a strobe effect in premiere pro, do a strobe effect in a minute in premiere pro, do a strobe effect fast in premiere pro, how to do a strobe effect, how to do a strobe effect in premiere pro, premiere pro do a strobe effect, premiere do a strobe effect, one minute premiere, use strobe light effect,how to use strobe light effect,use strobe light effect in premiere pro,how to use strobe light effect in premiere pro Important Videos and Playlists ====================================== 💡 Premiere Pro Tutorials: 💡 Premiere Pro Effects: 💡 Premiere Pro Environment: 💡 Premiere Pro Basics: 💡 Premiere Pro Essentials: 💡 Premiere Pro Advanced: ►I want to mention that this video is original content of the One Minute Premiere channel, it takes a lot of time and energy to create content that are clear and concise. ❤ Thank YOU for watching! If you know someone who could use this video, share it with them! 👇🏼 Have any questions? Leave a comment below. ✉ Contact me for any inquiries at:

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