Learn how the brain works in 5 minutes using only your hands. Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thepsychshow Topics: - Cortex, gray matter - White matter - Corpus Callosum - Brainstem - Spinal cord - Frontal Lobe - Parietal Lobe - Occipital Lobe - Temporal Lobe - Limbic system Adapted from Susan J. Shapiro’s “The Ultimate Portable Brain Model” in the Activities Handbook for the Teaching of Psychology Volume Four, edited by Ludy Benjamin, Barbara Nodine, Randal Ernst, and Charles Broeker. Twitter: http://twitter.com/thepsychshow Instagram: http://instagram.com/thepsychshow Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/thepsychshow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thepsychshow THE PSYCH SHOW! Weekly adventures in psychology, the brain, and behavioral sciences with Dr. Ali Mattu!

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