“This Is Life” - Winnetka Bowling League Feat. Medium Build & Dawes Listen to “This is Life” now: https://ffm.to/thisislife_ Winnetka Bowling League YouTube: @WinnetkaBowlingLeague Instagram: www.instagram.com/winnetkabowlingleague TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@winnetkabowlingleague Website: www.wbleague.com/ Medium Build YouTube: @itsmediumbuild Instagram: www.instagram.com/mediumbuild TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@mediumbuild Website: www.mediumbuildmusic.com Dawes YouTube: @Dawesmusic Instagram: www.instagram.com/dawestheband TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@dawestheband Website: www.dawestheband.com LYRICS: Hollister perfume made the boys dream of handjobs Got drunk in parking lots Of shitty chain restaurants Us singing Brand New way before Jesse got caught The summers in Montauk Before it got whitewashed All-time lows and all-time record highs Friends from home like old ghosts from past lives Comes and goes in a blink in no time This is life From being so broke I did sex shit on Craigslist To hearing I made it From people more famous The way that your folks Are security blankets To wrinkled and racist And dirt on some pavement The way we’re taught to dance in the end zone I think God’s a dog out the window Laughing at a joke only friends know This is life No one gets to look it in the eye No one’s getting out of here alive Taylor says that We're All Gonna Die The first time I smoked at my big sister’s condo A mouthful of combos One with the cosmos Every thought turned into an obsession A constant procession Of theories on heaven Like maybe death is time redirected And hate is just the love we’ve rejected I passed out while these thoughts intersected This is life #ThisIsLife #WinnetkaBowlingLeague #MediumBuild #Dawes