Asbury Park, a city with a rich but sometimes troubled history, has experienced a dramatic resurgence and become a mecca for millennials. Creative expression, artistic freedom, and a vibrant optimism have combined to help Asbury emerge as an exceptional and often unorthodox community – but one which still faces challenges as it aspires to become a truly great city. This talk explores how the physical changes to the city’s core created a platform which allowed the passion and commitment of the city’s residents to mold and shape its comeback. Gary Mottola is the past president (and currently board member and senior executive) at Madison Marquette, a leading developer, owner and operator of creative commercial and mixed-use projects throughout the United States. He has led Madison’s efforts to revitalize the Asbury Park waterfront. Mr. Mottola has been active in real estate development for many years. His career also includes time as an attorney at a prominent international law firm, lecturer in constitutional law, co-owner of a major thoroughbred training facility, and restauranteur. He is presently a member of the Board of Trustees of the New Jersey Hall of Fame, was a founding member of the board of a regional theater company in northern New Jersey, has a SAG card, and is active in efforts to stop animal abuse. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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