Chris Knight is widely known for his dramatic portraits. In addition to his professional career as a photographer, Chris also teaches photography at the Pratt Institute and New York Film Academy. PRO EDU has teamed up with Chris to showcase that knowledge in this web series and two tutorials on Dramatic Portraiture and Maximizing Adobe Lightroom Workflow. Explore more of this photography tutorial and download the entire educational video series on the product page here: In this episode, Chris talks about photography education. Strap in, turn up the volume, and press play. Learn more from Chris in his tutorial which includes his book and Adobe Lightroom workflow tutorial. Also, customers are granted access to our customer Facebook group where you can develop your skills with other customers and Chris Knight himself. Check out this tutorial and our entire tutorial library from PRO EDU here: MORE INFO ON PRO EDU: 📸 Photography Tutorials: 📸 Learn Platform & Photography Apps: 📸 Facebook: 📸 Join The Photo Community: 📸 Instagram: 📸 Blog: 📸 Podcast: Check out this tutorial and our entire tutorial library from PRO EDU here: ABOUT PRO EDU: PRO EDU celebrates the priceless knowledge of working professionals by sharing the secrets of their experiences through online tutorials. Our students are photographers, graphic designers, retouching artists, filmmakers, and other creative entrepreneurs who desire to apply these transformative lessons to invent (and reinvent) their own business and artistic success. All of our instructors convey their invaluable knowledge through our comprehensive online tutorials revealing the secrets of their success in business.