Implement GPT-2 using just a few lines of code with an all new python library called Chatting Transformer. GPT-2 is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Transformer model that was released by Open AI that has the ability to high quality generate text. By using Chatting Transformer, you can select one of one of four models including: gpt2, gp2-medium and gpt2-large. You may even use the largest 1.5 billion parameter model called gpt2-xl. Then, you may select one of five text generation methods, which are: greedy, beam-search, generic-sampling, top-k-sampling and top-p-nucleus sampling. From here, only one line of code is required to start generating text using an advanced artificial intelligence model! Note: GPT-3 is currently only available through an exclusive API offered by Open AI Colab: We offer consulting and custom development services: GitHub: PyPi: