Ninety nine percent of all ice on Earth is located on top of Greenland and Antarctica. Each year, a little more of it melts into the ocean. Normally, it would take hundreds to thousands of years for it all to melt away. But what if something happened that caused a massive global melt overnight. Sea level would rise about 68 meters (223 feet). After that, disasters will follow. Watch this timeline video to find out what will happen in such a scenario. DISCLAIMER: This Timeline/Comparison is based on public data, surveys, public comments & discussions and approximate estimations that might be subjected to some degree of error. Subscribe to Infinite Comparison for more comparison/timeline videos. Icons:

what if all ice meltedwhat if all ice on earth meltedwhat if all ice in the world meltedtimeline what if all ice meltedwhat if all ice in antartica meltedWhat would happen if the whole Antarctic melts what if all antartic ice meltedwhat will happen if all ice meltedif all ice meltedif all ice meltsice meltantarticagreenlandglobal warmingclimate changewhat iftimelineprobability comparisoncomparisoncomparison videoinfinite comparison