What does an art director do? Amanda Parris hosts this week's lesson in Film 10. »Subscribe to CBC Arts to watch more videos: http://bit.ly/CBCArtsSubscribe Don't go judging a book by its cover. But a movie? That's another story. Sometimes, you know a five-star flick within seconds of watching it — and it's the art director who's in charge of perfecting a film's stylistic vision. Guided by what the production designer and director of photography have mapped out, it's their job to manage all the key creative players and ensure everything on screen looks amazing. But there's even more to it than that. Find us at http://bit.ly/CBCArtsWeb CBC Arts on Facebook: http://bit.ly/CBCArtsFacebook CBC Arts on Twitter: http://bit.ly/CBCArtsTwitter CBC Arts on Instagram: http://bit.ly/CBCArtsInstagram About: CBC Arts is your destination for extraordinary Canadian arts. Whether you're a culture vulture, a working artist, an avid crafter, a compulsive doodler or just a dabbler in the arts, there's something for you here. Film 101: What's An Art Director? https://www.youtube.com/CBCArts

Canadian ArtCBC ArtsCBCCanadaArtMusicCultureart directorfilm 101cinemamovieproduction designerdirector of photography