How long to get into the flow of content creation or any new habit? It usually takes 3 months to form a new habit. Creating content is a long game that takes patience & consistency. You'll have lots of emotions going through the #contentcreation journey so recognize these 5-phases: 1) FEAR 🔶 When you start, you'll likely experience fear of the unknown, judgement, making mistakes, etc. This is normal. Despite all the videos I've created, I still got nervous doing my first #LinkedInLive video back in March. 2) FRUSTRATION 🔶 We'll also experience frustration because we’re uncomfortable, things are unfamiliar and we’re trying something new. 3) LEARN 🔶 This is when you start to learn. You research what you're trying to do, learn from books/articles/webinars/videos to get better at your new habit or hire a coach. You’ll fix your mistakes. 4) DISCOVERY 🔶 2 months in, you’re going to discover your voice, what you really want to say and who you really are. You’ll start to realize how you want to impact the world. This is my favorite phase. 5) GROWTH 🔶 You’re going to hit a new level of familiarity with content creation and you’ll get bigger and better. Every week, add little improvements. What range of emotions do you go through when creating content? #linkedin ----------------------------------- Connect with me on LinkedIn: Website:

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