Refinery29's Lucie Fink is challenging herself to learn 5 different types of dance in 5 weeks. This week she learns hip hop dance from Broadway Bodies executive producer on a New York City rooftop - Watch a dance battle between Lucie and Empire State Building! ABOUT SERIES Try Living With Lucie follows our favorite R29 millennial, Lucie Fink, as she dives headfirst into social experiments — five days at a time. From a week without sugar to full-blown street performing; there is nothing she won't try! ABOUT REFINERY29 Refinery29 is a modern woman's destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life. RELATED CONTENT Lucie Fink Learns To Salsa Dance SEE MORE REFINERY29 VIDEOS SUBSCRIBE TO REFINERY29 Subscribe to the Refinery29 channel: For the latest trends and videos, visit: Like Refinery29 on Facebook: Follow Refinery29 on Twitter: Heart Refinery29 on Instagram: TALENT Follow Lucie on Instagram:

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