Jack Black is Satan. No we are not revealing some hidden mystery here. Jack Black plays Satan in the new Christmas movie "Dear Santa" where dyslexia, cancer and a resurrection are used as props for a pseudo comedic performance that even non-believers are disgusted by. Timecodes 0:00 Introduction 3:19 What is Dear Santa? 10:29 Non-believing movie reviewers give their take 17:37 Jack Black is the perfect Satan 20:57 Jack Black sold his soul? 22:20 Pastor Joe joins the show to give his perspective on Jack Black Follow Good Fight Ministries on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goodfightministries Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodfightministries Twitter/X: https://www.twitter.com/goodfightmin TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodfightministries Support Us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/goodfight We're on Rumble! https://rumble.com/GoodFightMinistries Does Jack Black ACTUALLY Worship Satan? https://youtu.be/pQiP2S3WDNQ?feature=shared Can You Really ‘Sell Your Soul’? https://www.goodfight.org/articles/q-a/can-you-really-sell-your-soul/ Hollywood Unmasked https://tinyurl.com/HollywoodUnmasked1 🎸 WATCH THEY SOLD THEIR SOULS FOR FREE! https://www.goodfight.org/sold-souls-free/ 📖 Wrestling With Discipleship (Book) https://wrestlingwithdiscipleship.com 📖 Sparky the Broken Mirror (Book) https://sparkybook.com ☑️ HELP US REACH 300,000 SUBSCRIBERS! https://tinyurl.com/Subscr2GF ☑️ GOOD FIGHT YOUTUBE ESPANOL https://www.youtube.com/@GoodFightEspanol ☑️ BLESSED HOPE CHAPEL CHURCH https://www.blessedhopechapel.org ☑️ Learn more about Good Fight Ministries https://allmylinks.com/goodfight #jackblack #santa #devil #goodfight #goodfightministries #God #christianity #jesussaves #religion #culture