Do you know what your values are? Your values serve as the building blocks for the type of life that you want to create. If you don't know who you are and what matters to you, it is near impossible to achieve your goals. Do you want to know how to determine your core life values? Join my Life Mastery Accelerator program: In this video, I share with you an exercise on how to determine your core life values. Through this process, we are going to discover whether your current values are propelling you forward, or holding you back. Our values form the foundation of our lives; they determine the decisions that we make and the direction that our lives take. In the words of John C. Maxwell, “Your core values are the deeply held beliefs that authentically describe your soul.” The first step is to acknowledge and take responsibility for the life that you have created. If your values aren’t in alignment with your vision, there will be resistance, in the form of a tremendous amount of push, effort, and willpower. Alternatively, when you align with what you truly desire in life, you will experience more ease, less effort, and a greater sense of fulfillment. If you want to determine your core life values, start by figuring out what's REALLY important to you. Once you do, you can then choose beliefs and habits that ensure that your life aligns with those values. As life changes so do your values, and that is OK. The important thing is that you are aware and take the steps that are necessary in order to bring yourself closer to living in alignment with your true self. Roy E. Disney said it best - “It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.” Are you ready to determine your core life values? ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Mastering Book Publishing ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ #LIFEVALUES #VISION #MISSION #LIFEMASTERY #MOTIVATION

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