Presenting "Best Of Bengali Children Songs | Top Bengali Rhymes For Kids | Popular Children Rhymes & Songs" a collection of some popular evergreen Bengali kid's songs & rhymes. We hope you all will like it. Don't forget to like 👍, share 📤 & subscribe 📥 and press the bell 🔔 icon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Track Details *************** Ata Gache Tota Pakhi 0:00 Bulbul Pakhi 02:09 Agdum Bagdum 05:28 Ai Ai Chand Mama 07:00 Kathbirali Kathbirali 09:12 Aye Re Chhute Aye 11:08 Ek Je Chhilo Dushtu Chhele 14:29 Ai Bristi Jhepe 17:49 Ek Je Chhilo Maachhi 19:16 Habuchandra Raja 22:15 Keu Kakhono Thik 27:45 Baburam Sapure 33:08 O Sona Byang 34:41 Khukumani Go Sonaa 40:47 Adur Badur Chalta Badur 44:02 Teler Sishi 45:39 Na Dir Dir Da 48:23 Putul Putul 51:20 Record Label - Inreco Connect with us on ********************* #AtaGacheTotaPakhi #BengaliSongs #BengaliChildrenSong #videojukebox #nurseryrhyme #rhymes #banglarhymes #childrenrhymessongs

Best Of Bengali Children Songbengali children songbengali kids songnon stop kids songBulbul Pakhi MaianaAntara ChowdhuryChildren song in bengaliantara chowdhury kids songnon stop children songAta Gache Tota PakhiBengali Children Songantara chowdhury children songsata gache tota pakhi dalim gache mou boudi badam badamata gache tota pakhi basa bade achheata gache tota pakhi dalim gache mouআতা গাছে তোতা পাখি গানbengali rhymes ata gache tota pakhi