Say hello to Steve and Maggie at their LIVE SHOW on 30th December! Go to to get one of a limited number of tickets!!! - How to manage 15+ Czech five year old kids in your classroom, if you only speak English? It´s easy, no worries. You need a clear and structured lesson plan, you need to be a leader and you need to show a big warm smile. Use body language too and you will succeed. Children love to be surprised, entertained, they love physical activities and once you do all of it, you can introduce and drill any language you like, even comparatives.

English for Childrenالإنجليزية للأطفالAngličtina pro děti英语儿童Engelsk for børnEnglanti for ChildrenAnglais pour les enfantsאנגלית לילדיםEngleski za djecuBahasa Inggris untuk Anak-anakInglese per Bambini子供のための英語어린이를위한 영어Englisch für KinderEngelsk for barnAngielski dla dzieciInglês para CriançasАнглийский для детейAngličtina pre detiInglés para Niñosภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็กÇocuklar için İngilizceTiếng Anh cho trẻ em