EDITOR’S NOTE: This abstract has been updated to remove the offensive hashtag which was the subject of this report as it was auto-tagged into the title by YouTube and misconstrued by some readers. More about YouTube's policy on hashtags can be found here: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6390658?hl=en A Global News investigation found that Pierre Poilievre’s official YouTube videos included a hidden tag appealing to a misogynistic online movements that Canada’s intelligence agencies view as a danger. Canadian deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland commented on the findings on Thursday, saying she hoped political leaders would acknowledge the threats faced by women and girls are real, and that they would ensure their actions won’t put women in further danger rather than keeping them safer. A Global News analysis of 50 of Poilievre’s most recent YouTube videos showed that they included a tag that is an acronym for “Men Going Their Own Way," a mostly-online movement comprised of anti-feminists who attempt to cut women completely out of their lives. The tag, According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the movement overlaps with more aggressive forms of “male supremacy.” The tag helps promote Poilievre’s videos among those circles, and signals to YouTube what users might be interested in the Conservative leader’s messaging. For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/9178531/pierre-poilievres-youtube-channel-included-hidden-misogynistic-tag-to-promote-videos/ Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/20fcXDc Like Global News on Facebook HERE: http://bit.ly/255GMJQ Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1Toz8mt Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: https://bit.ly/2QZaZIB #GlobalNews

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