Be the change you want to see. Join in by clicking the Subscribe button! :) "I DON'T MIND WATCHING, HE IS... I DON'T KNOW TELL ME IN THE COMMENT " Get ready for unexpected hilarity and some serious text message drama! #funny messages #itext #textstories Make sure to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for more funny shorts! @TextRobo Don't forget to leave a comment. I decided to take a risk and buy from the worst rated Etsy store, and let me tell you, the experience was full of lol moments and epic fails! From quirky chats to facepalm moments, I got it all. The seller's responses were so bizarre, they deserved a memes compilation of their own. I couldn't help but share the screen grabs and rofl reactions with you guys. The whole experience was a comedy gold mine, filled with humor snapshots and meme gold. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this viral memes ride with me! ffunny text messages,funny texts,text messages,funniest text messages,funny,messages,text fails,funny text,funny chats,texts,funniest texts,text message,funny memes,text message stories,best texts,funny texts messages,fainted funny text messages,text,messages funny,funny messages,funniest texts ever,funniest text messages #3,emkay text messages,funniest kid text messages,kid text messages,fake text messages,text textingstory,funny,texting,crazy,plot twist,text,funny story,crazy plot messages cursed, game, gaming,viral, satisfaying #textstories #funnytexts #englishorspanish #shorts #text textstories,txt stories,scary text stories,textingstories,text story,hooked text stories,chat stories,text horror stories,text message stories,best texts,funniest texts,text chat story,creepiest texts,scary text story,ghost story text,true stories,yarn stories,comedy text story,spooky text story,texts,texting story,texto,text message story,horror stories,3 scary stories,hooked stories,funniest texts ever,shocking stories reddit stories,reddit cheating stories,reddit stories to fall asleep to,reddit stories compilation,reddit stories cheating,gc reddit stories,reddit stories open marriage,hfy reddit stories,ek stories reddit,reddit stories tiktok tutorial,count julius reddit stories,reddit stories subway surfers,reddit stories job interview red flags,tony's reddit stories spouse caught cheating

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