Vlog / Video 11| this is my trip to one of the most interesting civilization in the world used to be an early empire before Islam, and after Islam is one of the most influential places that shape the Islamic history. this my trip to #IRAN to explore its mega city and tiny villages. زيارتي ل ايران ابتدأت من طهران العاصمة ال ٣٢ للايران التي تعتبر من اقدم الامبراطريات الي استمرت بالعيش بنفس المكان فترت ٤٠٠٠ سنة . رحلتي الى ايران عبارة عن تجربة لزيارة اكبر و اهم المدن الايرانية بالاضافة الى القرى الجميلة. if you want to visit Iran, you can try the amazing (gapa tours) travel agency that I used there #tel number is 1565655414 gapatours.com My visits to My visit to Binzert, Tunisia https://bit.ly/2OpVWIX My visit to Carthege sidi bousaid and bardo musuem Tunisia https://bit.ly/2DA6x1N My visit to Mahdia/Jem/ Monstair Tunisia https://bit.ly/2Wjuscz My visit to Izmit Turkey https://bit.ly/3h6gcMh My visit ti Istanbul Turkey https://bit.ly/2OsOP2q My visit to Zoroastrian village IRAN https://bit.ly/2DJx9h2 My visit to Hamadan IRAN https://bit.ly/32i9pux My visit to Shiraz IRAN https://bit.ly/2B3i9tq My visit to Tehran IRAN https://bit.ly/30cgr1h My social network accounts INSTAGRAM https://bit.ly/3fypr7A FACEBOOK https://bit.ly/3fvEi2x YouTube SUBSCRIBE https://bit.ly/3j6iAo3

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