This animation introduces the learner to financial markets, money markets and its instruments and capital market. 0:00 - Introduction of Financial Market 1:21 - Economic system 2:35 - Function of Financial Market 3:42 - Type of Financial Market 18:03 - Functions of Stock Exchange/Market 20:48 - Trading procedure on a Stock Exchange 22:32 - Stock Exchange in India 23:29 - National Stock Exchange 26:21 - Over the Counter Exchange of India 28:23 - Objectives of Over the Counter Exchange of India 28:54 - Securities and Exchange Board of India 29:52 - Objectives of SEBI 30:45 - Functions of SEBI 32:20 - The Organisation Structure of SEBI 33:29 - Summary #FinancialMarkets #BusinessStudies #ICanWithiKen Download the iKen Learning App -​ Click here for learning beyond the classroom through iKen -​ Connect with us on #Whatsapp - +91 93281 77758 Subscribe to our channel -​... Join us on: #Facebook -​ #Twitter –​ #Instagram -​. “Ikenedu” is a web channel intended to promote e-learning, visual aids, digital lessons for students, parents & teachers. It is intended primarily for the purpose of learning, teaching, reference of concepts and topics in the curriculum and beyond for the K12 segment and in general for the education domain. These characters, clips, animations, scripts and notes are all a work of Mexus Education Pvt Ltd of which iken is a brand and Mexus Education Pvt Ltd remains the owner/s of the copyright. As per section 14 of the copyrights act, the right of adaptation, right of reproduction, right of publication, right to make translations, communication to public etc. are held only with the owner of the content which is Mexus Education Pvt Ltd.

Financial Marketsmoney marketscapital marketinstrumentsfunction of financial marketsrole of financial marketsfinancial marketfinancial marketsfinancialfinancemarketshistory of the financial marketssharebondinvestmentfinancial tradingstock exchangebankbankingsebiikeniken eduiken app#iken#ikenapp#ikenedubusiness studies class 12