I am scared, God. Who am I without a title? Without a schedule? Without my job? Teach me, God. Show me who I am. Remind me that I am not my job, nor was I ever so. Open my eyes to the beauty that surrounds me. Open my arms to family members and friends I was always too busy to embrace. Open my mind to the vast world of knowledge that lies before me. Open my ears to the cries of those who desperately need my assistance. Fill me with compassion, God. Calm my fears. Remind me that I am vital, that I am needed, that I am loved. Teach me to embrace this precious freedom I have been granted. For the first time in a long time I can choose to spend my days as I wish, to explore whatever I wish, to travel wherever I wish. Help me live this time wisely, God. Lead me on the path to meaning, to satisfaction, to joy, to peace. Stay with me, God. Let me know You are near. Amen. -Rabbi Naomi Levy For anyone who’s ever searched for the right words to give expression to their prayers, whether in a forest or a temple, a church or in a traffic jam, we have just the thing for you. Four prayers. Two minutes. Unlimited inspiration. Diva Communications has produced a new series of web videos in conjunction with The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL) called: WISDOM OF THE PRAYERS. WISDOM OF THE PRAYERS will be a resource for people of all faiths looking for the words to express their thoughts. Four, two-minute videos composed of evocative images, original scores, and the prayers’ texts on screen, will ensure that people of all faiths have a bank of prayers as a tool for their connection to a higher power. WISDOM OF THE PRAYERS is funded by a grant from Odyssey Networks. Visit Diva's website at http://www.divacommunications.com

InterfaithPrayerGratitudeTraditionCall On FaithJudaismNew York Board Of RabbisDocumentariesDiva CommunicationsWisdomOdyssey Networksrabbi naomi levywisdom of the prayers