*** Check out our Leo the Wildlife Ranger's Spanish channel by clicking this link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsQbQgvFs24604t5sjkE0YA, see you there! 😃 *** Hey adventurers! In today's animated compilation, we are featuring the first part of our list of birds! Birds are animals that have feathers, with most of them having the ability to fly. One interesting fact about them - they lay eggs like reptiles do, but they are warm blooded like mammals! Some examples of birds are parrots, crows and penguins! Here are all of the amazing animals featured in today’s minisode compilation: • Australian Pelican • Atlantic Puffin • White-Bellied Woodpecker • Indian Peacock • White-Bellied Sea Eagle • Satin Bowerbird For more Leo the Wildlife Ranger mini episodes compilations, check out the playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpL-5lN8jjg&list=PLUURbUaOQdAMw4lzlTblLBgTiXvW5sT7e&index=1 Click here to subscribe so you never miss a single amazing animal animation! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC97bMqA6HrUEw-yNqssyBrQ?sub_confirmation=1 Hi everybody, welcome to my channel! My name is Leo and I am a Junior Ranger. Come join me on my adventures into the animal kingdom to explore animal behaviour like you’ve never seen before. Mini episodes, animal diaries and cartoon compilations, all to help teach you about the glorious animal world. Learn more about me and my adventures at - http://www.leowildliferanger.com/

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