Are you not attracted your right target audience? Truth is - A well optimised profile with highly searched keywords can massively increase the number of people viewing your profile. There are a number of places in your LInkedIn profile where you can add keywords. Join in this Sunday's discussion where I share some tips on how you can optimize your bio. Hit the button "Attend" so I can send you a copy of my free eBook: 30 Features of LinkedIn that can Tremendously Boost Your Profile. Professionals – particularly salespeople – invest a lot of time and resource in building brands. We’re trained at it – and we’re good at it. But how often do we apply those skills to building our own personal brands? We don’t get around to it because we’re busy, and because it can sometimes feel selfish or egotistical to invest time in marketing ourselves. However, when we neglect personal branding, we don’t just sell ourselves short – we also miss a big opportunity, from a sales perspective. The impact of employees who share content is huge. And the most effective employee sharers are those who’ve built their personal brand on LinkedIn. The LinkedIn profile page is the foundation for your personal branding. And we regularly add features to increase its capabilities as a personal marketing platform and give you new ways to signal your skills and motivations. If you haven’t checked your profile page recently, you might well find new ways to build your personal brand. #personalbranding #onlinebranding #linkedIn #business #entrepreneurship #ceo #coaching #webinars #linkedInlive #marketing