In this video I will be trying temporary tattoo edges for the very first time. This look is very beginner friendly and super easy to achieve. Watch the full video if you want to learn how, and comment below and let me know what you think! Thanks so much for watching! #tattooedges #fakeedges #alopeciahairstyles #tattoobabyhairs #noedges + S U B S C R I B E Channel Link: New Videos Every Week! + B U S I N E S S EMAIL Visit My Website: + I T E M S M E N T I O N E D BAE HAIR MAGIC TATTOO EDGES: STYLE DOLL + C O N N E C T - Instagram --- - Facebook --- - Website & Blog --- - Email --- + O T H E R V I D E O S Y O U S H O U L D W A T C H NO EDGES LONG SLEEK PONYTAIL TO COVER YOUR' THIN BALDING EDGES (ALOPECIA) NO EDGES PINEAPPLE PONYTAIL How I Regrew My Edges & Bald Spots Fast! - --- MY SHOCKING 157LB WEIGHT LOSS TRANSFORMATION BEFORE & AFTER Types of video topics you can expect to see on my channel: Femininity, Self care, Self development, Lifestyle & Beauty , Diy's,Product Reviews, Leveling Up Journey, Alopecia hair tutorials, makeup , fashion, and Lifestyle. I have so much to share! DISCLAIMER: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Some of the links included in this description may be affiliate links. Meaning if you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission.