PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to: http://to.pbs.org/DonateMESS ↓ More info and sources below ↓ Welcome to our new special series about the essentials of environmental science Like this video? SUBSCRIBE to Hot Mess! ►► http://bit.ly/hotmess_sub More info below… What is “the environment”? Well, it’s everything, and it’s everywhere, including you and me. Just about every part of human civilization depends on a healthy and stable environment. Yet, human activity is causing pollution, climate change, and species loss, all of which disrupt that health and stability. So how do we study our environment in order to understand these changes and how we might fix them? That’s the purpose of environmental science. Welcome to our new Learning series about the essentials of environmental science. We’ll have more from this series in the following videos, so stay tuned! Connect with us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/HotMessPBS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hotmesspbs Facebook: http://facebook.com/hotmesspbs Hot Mess T-shirts!: https://store.dftba.com/products/hot-mess-shirt ----------- Host: Joe Hanson, Ph.D. Writer: Miriam Nielsen Co-Writer: Scott Sowell, Ph.D. (http://www.sowellscience.com/) Editor-in-chief: Joe Hanson Creative Director: David Schulte Executive Producer: Amanda Fox Producer: Stephanie Noone Editor/Animator: Sara Roma ----------- Produced by PBS Digital Studios Theme Music: Eric Friend/Optical Audio Music: APM

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