Have you ever wondered what causes a tsunami? This awe-inspiring natural disaster can cause a massive amount of destruction in a matter of minutes. In this video, we'll explain in simple terms what causes a tsunami and how it occurs. A tsunami is a series of ocean waves that are caused by an underwater disturbance, such as an earthquake, volcanic eruption, or landslide. When such a disturbance occurs, it can create large movements of water that propagate outward in all directions, forming a series of waves that can be several meters high. There are several factors that can contribute to the severity of a tsunami, such as the magnitude of the earthquake, the depth at which it occurs, and the shape of the ocean floor. Tsunamis can travel across entire ocean basins and can cause devastation when they reach the shore. In this video, we'll explore the science behind tsunamis and what you need to know to stay safe if you live in an area prone to these natural disasters. tsunami, natural disaster, earthquake, ocean waves, underwater disturbance, volcanic eruption, landslide, severity, magnitude, ocean basins, science, safety, prevention #tsunami #naturaldisaster #oceanwaves #earthquake #underwaterdisturbance #volcaniceruption #landslide #science #safety #prevention